Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Foundations 2 Disclosure 9th


Ms. Ewells’ - Art Foundation II

Course Description: This class teaches Elements and Principles of art. Students will implement the elements and principles of art into works of art.  While using a variety of different mediums such as paint, paper, pencil, ink, and others will be incorporated throughout the trimester. 

Major Course Goals: Students will be expected to work on different projects. After each project there will be a critique.  Each assignment will challenge and push your limits.  Each of these assignments will help to develop each student’s ability in understanding the different aspects of art. Due dates will be given, this is important because of getting through a variety of projects.  Plus when the due date hits we will be critiquing the project this is important for better understanding and expectations of improving on projects as well as ability. When the next assignment is due and the critique is done the previous assignment will lose ½ credit if it has not been turned in from due date before.

Class rules and/ or Expectation:

·                     Punctuality - be in your assigned seat at the bell with all materials.

·                     Preparation – have a pencil, paper, proper materials and any work due.

·                     Courtesy – maintain a positive interaction with Ms Ewell and all students. Refrain from any distracting or destructive behavior and respect the rights and property or others.

·                     Performance – listen and follow instructions when they are given and complete all assignments in a timely manner. No electronics are to be seen, heard, or used in class unless special permission has been granted.  If they are detected, they will be delivered to the office at Ms. Ewell’s convenience (which may be May.)

·                     Honesty – students are expected to complete their own work.  Copying others work or even ideas will result in loss of points and citizenship. You need to come up with your own creativity. Examples are just that, examples.

 Notes Regarding Expectations and Guidelines for Attendance and Tardies: Students are expected to be in assigned seat at the time of the bell. Excessive absence or tardy may affect a student’s citizenship or grade.

Grading Scale: Scores are weighted as: assignments 75%; mid-term and final assessments 25%:

A             93 -100,                                   B-            80 – 82                    D+           67 - 69

A-            90 - 92,                                    C+           77 – 79                    D             63 - 66

B+           87 - 89,                                    C             73 – 76                    D-            60 - 62

B             83 – 86                                    C-            70-72,                      F              59 & Below

Weighting of students citizenship:  Tardies, attitude, participation, working well with others, leaving others alone, work, being on time, throwing paper, whining, and an all around type of student, your citizenship will be based on.

Make-up work policy: Make-up work must be completed within five school days of an excused absence unless other arrangements are made. Any make-up work not completed within five days will receive a zero score. Due dates are important to remember critiques will follow each project missing them you will need to do them on your own time.

                BEAR Time: Remediation at BRMS is made through a thirty-minute in-school program called BEAR Time.  If Ms. Ewell feels that a            student would benefit from re-teaching or re-testing, or if that student has made an honest effort in class and needs more time in an           assignment, she may call a student into her room for BEAR Time.  A student is welcome to come to her BEAR Time any time they      would like more help!


Teacher contact Information:  You may reach Ms. Ewell at BRMS (435)-257-2540. E-mails may be forwarded to Email is checked at least once a day and responses are made as soon as possible. Grades and scores can be found on the school’s internet site and scores are updated once a week. (in subject box label “Box Elder”)

Accommodations: Box Elder School District teaching staff will make the changes in curriculum, instruction and/or assessment that are necessary in order to provide access for a student with a disability. Please notify Ms. Ewell if your student has special needs not already outlined through IEP or 504 plans.

Material List: Your student will need the following items in class:

·                     Pencil and eraser

·                     You may want to have own colored pencils, references, sketch book, (these last items are not necessary)

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