Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Final Mythical Creature Sculpture Art 1

Final Requirements: Mythical Creature Sculpture

¨  *Skeletal/ armature must be constructed from cardboard, measuring no smaller than 1 foot in diameter, but may be larger and fit through all doors. This armature is much like the skeletal of your own body it is the basic mold for the inside of the creature. The Animal must be a full animal not just a head but with the full body as well. This will be a 3/d creature no flat objects. It must stand or be stable in position you have chosen. If there should be legs make them as part of the armature.
¨  *Construction: must hold together, you will be coming from home to school.  Using glue, tape, wire, thread, yard, etc. Some things work better than others experiment to find out which one for your creature.
¨  *Cover: you must cover the outer with what will complete you creature i.e. fur, wrapping paper, paint, feathers, bling, fabric, yarn, please no lined, or construction paper this will just fall apart and not help with a final look, just remember the original cardboard must not be showing, etc.
¨  *No drawing on creature with marker, pencil etc. you must make or paint your eyes, mouth or any physical features and body parts, etc. to complete your creation. Go the extra mile.
¨   *Tag: This is your information; you must include a tag with your creatures name and your name along with the date and hour.  Use yarn or string to tie the tag onto the creature it looks better than just a scrap piece of paper scribbled on with information with tape holding it in place.
¨  *Creativity: this means background knowledge and using your imagination along with items that are common and turning them into uncommon ways, this will play a huge part in the project.  Take time to come up with an original mythical creature.
*Elements: color, texture, form are the most predominant

*Principles: balance, unity, proportions are the most predominant

¨  *Take time to create don’t wait till the night before.

¨ *Parents I would like you to rate you student between 1-25 on effort and time spent on this project.  I would like you to consider the creative aspects of this project. Read the instructions for what is to be the finished product. The attached paper is what is used to fill out, and return, thanks for your help.

¨  *Due date: _________________, No late work will be accepted for full credit second day only ½ points given. This will be due at the end of the trimester and there will be no time for grading. **** Parent please

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