Wednesday, December 9, 2015

December 9th


Learning Objective:  Students will determine Central Idea in a text with supporting evidence.  (RI 8.2)
Teaching Objective:  As a class students will read a text, then discuss the “WIN” strategy to identify central idea and supporting ideas.

Correct Monday’s Starter
pro    av/past    art       n       prep    art            N                 n       prep         N
  I          set         the   table     at       the    andersons   house      on     Saturday

Starter:  Identify sentence parts, (subject and predicate, complete subject and complete predicate), verb, direct object, prepositional phrase, object of preposition.
Starter Sentence:  i set the table at the andersons house on saturday 

Vocabulary/Spelling:  Know the definition and spelling for each of the following.  Summative Test Tuesday those who did not pass will take again on Thursday.
            *cite:  to give reference to, mention in support, proof,
                    example:  Cite details that support your main idea.
            *audience:  who you are writing for
                    example:  When writing Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain decided to communicate his      
                                            ideas to a wider audience.
            *plagiarism:  copying - taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as
                                   one's own.
                    example:  Plagiarism is cheating and illegal.
*argument:  defending a position/point of view based on evidence from personal
                     experience, research, facts, logic.
                    example:  His argument was invalid because it was not supported with facts.

Notes:  After you read a book or see a movie, do you ever tell someone else what it is about?  When you do this, you state the main idea.  The main idea is what something is mostly about.
Main idea = central idea
Main ideas are typically found in a literary passage. 
Central ideas are found in an informational text.
Use the WIN strategy to help determine the central/main idea:
WHO/WHAT - Figure out the most important who or what
INFORMATION - Figure out the most important Information about the who or what

Class Activity:  Volcano Mt. St. Helens text do together on white boards.  We did this other article yesterday and turned in. Sleepy Hollow excerpt to identify central idea and supporting details.  (H drive, “old stuff”, Tri 2, RI 8.2)

Novel:  Finishing the Introduction and correcting.   (See me for a copy of the handout).

Monday, December 7, 2015

December 7, Monday

Monday, Dec. 7  Language Art

Learning Objective:  Identify central ideas and details  (RI 8.2)
Teaching Objective:  Students will read the introductory pages to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and answer handout study questions in identifying central ideas and details.

Starter:  Write out the sentence.  Identify parts of speech including noun, pronoun, verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, preposition. 
Starter Sentence:  (1st hour) we gave the dog its food before we took it for a walk
                               (6th hour) i set the table at the andersons house on saturday

Assignment:  Read the passages from the main idea hand out answer the first page,  We will be checking how well you do.  (You will need to get the handout from me).  Read the introduction pages to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.  Complete the handout.  (You will need to get the handout from me). 

Foundation Art

Learning Objective: Identify texture and creativity along with form.
Teaching Objective: Students will complete the texture for the hand each sections must be a different texture giving their best ideas forward.  Students will complete a creative alphabet using the definition of creativity, form, texture and encompass it all into their choice of examples. 
    A. Taking the first letter of the object to create the letter i.e. Ax, Banana, Claw, Diamond, etc. 
    B. Taking a common theme and designing each letter to complete the letters. i.e.plant life, tropical island
    C.  Taking both a and b to complete the letters such as animals. i.e. ape, bear, camel, dog, etc. 

Assignment: The texture the students will trace their hand and show it coming out of the ground. Each finger must be a different texture making sure they have a rough looking texture for the whole of the texture. 
Creative alphabet each must choose their choice from the ones above. 

8th grade art

Learning Objective: Identify color and value along with pattern 
Teaching Objective: Students will be painting a color wheel of 24 different colors along with two values of those said colors, student will do rough drafts then draw their pattern onto thick paper making sure they stay within the desired boundaries. They will be working with tempera paint and staying within their lines they have drawn.  Further instructions are found on the white board. 

Assignment: Rough drafts will be drawn for ideas drawn on thin paper, then on the thick paper they will draw their choice on the paper making sure the measurements are as exact as possible. Painting will be given on a pallet for mixing and painting. Further instructions are found on the board. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Middle School Honors Program 8th grade

This is open to all 8th grade Students

Bear River Middle School has implemented a new Honors Program.  Classes will now be integrated with all of eighth grade students (which means that classes will be comprised of general ed and honors students).  ALL students will have the opportunity to achieve “honor” status in this new program.  The criteria for reaching honor status is as follows:
  • Finishes each trimester with a grade in the 80% range
  • Completes the extension project (for content relating to the core standards)--1 per trimester
  • Reach a Level 4 (highest level of thinking and performance) on 80% of class assessments and projects
  • Maintains an “H” in citizenship, by following all class expectations, actively participating in classroom discussions, and always turning work in on time

Reaching honor status will require more work and higher level thinking skills of each student.  Each student who reaches honor status will then have an “H” placed on their official transcript.

Your student must contact Mrs. C Udy at Bear Time tomorrow for further information.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Wednesday 2 and 3

Learning Objective:  Introduction to central idea, supporting details and summarizing.  (RI 8.2)
Teaching Objective:  Students will take key word notes while listening to the big read audio – introduction to the Adventures of Tom Sawyer. They will work in small groups to combine notes and categorize into central ideas.
Correct Monday Starter: 
pro         av/past                     art       n      pro    n            sc        pro        av/past                   pro      prep       art          n
we             gave        the   dog     its   food  before   we           took       it          for         a        walk

Starter:  Write out the sentence and identify sentence parts including simple subject, complete predicate, verb, direct object, prepositional phrase, object of the preposition.
Starter Sentence:  we gave the dog its food before we took it for a walk

Novel Introduction:  Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer Unit Plan 
Learning Objective:  Students will be introduced to identifying central idea and supporting details, point of view, dialogue and summarizing skills.  Reinforcement of skills previously taught will be on literary elements, parts of speech, figurative language and grammar. 
Teaching Objective:  Activities throughout the unit will vary:  individual, small group and class discussion
                Author – Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens
                                Hannibal, Missouri, a small town on the Mississippi River
                                Eleven when his father dies
                                Rebellious and high spirited – cut school to play in woods, swim in river, explore                                 caves
                                Best friend – Tom Blankenship – son of town drunk, Twain’s model for                                                 Huckleberry Finn
The novel
                Written in 1874-1875
                Twain’s first novel
                Narrator:   An adult who views the adult world critically and looks back on the
                sentiments and pastimes of childhood in a somewhat idealized manner, with
                 witt and also with nostalgia.
                Point of View:  The narrator narrates in the third person, with a special insight into                               the workings of the boyish heart and mind.
                Tone:  Satirical and nostalgic
Genres:  satire, frontier literature, folk narrative, comedy,
            Plot – Based on real events and experiences from Twain’s growing up years.  Follows the
            development of a hero from childhood throughout adolescence and into adulthood.

            Characters:  Tom Sawyer – fictional character – composite of three friends Twain grew up                   with

Audio/Assignment:   Take notes while listening to “The Big Read” audio guide.  (Google Tom Sawyer The Big Read or go to:

Finish with going over the essays as well as the big read notes. Discussion

Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30 First Day 2nd Timester

Introduction to Class: Disclosures All Classes

Language Art 1st and 6th Hours:
Language Arts
Ms. Ewell

Course description: Students will learn different strategies to help them become proficient in Language Arts.  The content which will be covered includes reading and comprehension skills; narrative, argumentative, and informative writing; grammar

Classroom expectation:
·                     Punctuality - be on time
·                     Preparation – have all needed for class
·                     Courtesy – positive interaction, respectful
·                     Performance -- be a self –starter getting work done.
·                     Honesty –complete own work, proud of who you are

Attendance and tardies:
It is important that your student is in class so they can be a part of class discussions and group work.  Students who are in their seats with all the necessary materials needed for the class, when the bell begins to ring will be considered “On Time”.

Grading Scale: Scores are weighted as: test, 75%; assignments and formative assessments 25%.
A             100% – 93 %                          C+           79% --77%                              D-            62% – 60%
A-            92% – 90 %                            C             76% – 73 %                            F              59% and below
B+           89% – 87 %                            C-            70% -- 72%                             Weights of Classwork         
B             86% -- 83%                             D+           69% -- 67%                             Assessments     75%
B-            82% -- 80%                             D             66% -- 63%                             Practice             25%
Absent/Late Work: If a student is absent it is the responsibility to find out what they missed the day they return.  Make-up work and Late Work needs to be turned in before the next unit test.  Late work will affect your citizenship. 

Bear Time: Students will be required to come to intervention when they have missed tests, and to catch up on missing work.  The primary day for Language Art is Thursdays and second Mondays. 

Teacher contact information:  My email is, you may contact me at BRMS (435) 257-2540.  I am also available before and after school.  Your student’s grades can be checked through the schools internet site.  You may also find out assignments on my blog’s address is or find it on the school website.

Accommodations: Box Elder School District teaching staff will make the changes in curriculum, instruction and/or assessment that are necessary in order to provide access for a student with a disability. Please notify me if your student has any special needs not already outlined through IEP or 504 plans.

Materials List: Student will be responsible for having the following materials with them every day;
·                     1 binder with 5 dividers/ or a spiral notebook/ at least 50 sheets of college ruled notebook paper
·                     1 3-prong folder
·                     pencils with erasers, black/blue/red pens, dry erase marker, and sticky notes
·                     Reading Book

Please go to my blog and read through the disclosure as outlined.  Please sign and return.
Student Name __________________________ Student Signature ____________________________
                             Please print
Parent e-mail___________________________________ Parent Phone # ______________________

Parent Name _____________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________
                            Please print

Objective: Students will demonstrate comprehension of text. RI 8.1-4
Directions: Students in groups will read the essay given them then fill out the form.  Students will then share their understanding of the essays to the class.  This is an introduction to The adventures of Tom Sawyer. 
Starter: DGP we gave the dog its food before we took it for a walk

Audio Video: The Big Read the Adventures of Tom Sawyer (30 minutes)

Art 1 2nd hour

Art Foundation I/ 8th grade Art
Ms. Ewell

Course description: Students will learn the Elements of art and Principles of design. Students will implement the elements and principles of art into works of art.  While using a variety of different mediums such as paint, paper, pencil, ink, and others will be incorporated throughout the trimester. 

Class rules and/ or expectation:
·                     Punctuality – be on time
·                     Preparation – have all needed for class
·                     Courtesy –positive interaction, respectful
·                     Performance – be a self-starter getting work done
·                     Self –control – be aware! No texting or phones.
·                      Honesty –complete own work proud of who you are
Notes regarding expectations and guidelines for attendance and tardies: In order to be considered “on time,” each student is expected to be sitting in an assigned seat, during dell and while attendance is being taken. Excessive absences or tardies may affect a student’s citizenship or grade.

Grading Scale: Weights of Classwork: Assessments 75%; Practice 25%:
A             93 -100,                                 B-            80 – 82                  D+           67 - 69
A-            90 - 92,                                  C+           77 – 79                  D             63 - 66
B+           87 - 89,                                  C             73 – 76                  D-            60 - 62
B             83 – 86                                  C-            70-72,                    F              59 & Below

Absent/ Late Work: If a student is absent it is the responsibility to find out what they missed the day they return.   Make-up work and late work needs to be turned in within two to five days of return.  Late work will affect your citizenship.

BEAR Time: Students will be required to come to intervention when they have missed due dates or to catch up.  The primary day for Non-Core is Friday and second Tuesday.

Teacher contact information:  You may contact me at BRMS (435)-257-2540. My email is I am also available before and after school.  Your student’s grades can be checked through the school website.  You may also find out assignments on my blog.  The address is or find it on the school web under faculty.

Accommodations: Box Elder School District teaching staff will make the changes in curriculum, instruction and/or assessment that are necessary in order to provide access for a student with a disability. Please notify me if your student has special needs not already outlined through IEP or 504 plans.

Material List: items needed in class;
·                     Pencils and erasers
·                     You may want to have own paint brushes, glue sticks, references (these are not necessary)

Please go to my blog and read through the disclosure as outlined.  Please sign and return.

Student Name ___________________________ Student Signature ___________________________
                             Please print

Parent e-mail____________________________________ Parent Phone # ____________________

Parent Name ____________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________
                            Please print

Students will be starting the Color Wheel with Tints 

Foundation Art 2 3rd and 4th hours:

Art Foundation II
Ms. Ewell

Course Description: Students will learn the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design.  This content will be covered by starting out with the basic steps in drawing and will expand out into more difficult works of art.  Students will be using pencil giving a range of values and will eventually move onto color. 

Class rules and/ or Expectation:
·                     Punctuality – be on time and in seat.
·                     Preparation – have all needed for class
·                     Courtesy –positive interaction respectful
·                     Performance – be a self-starter getting work done
·                     Honesty –complete own work proud of who you are

Attendance and tardies:
It is important that your student is in class so they can be a part of class discussions and complete assignments.  Students who are in their seats with all the necessary materials needed for the class, when the bell begins to ring will be considered “On Time”.

 Grading Scale: Scores are weighted as: Assessments 75%; Practice 25%:
A             93 -100,                                   B-            80 – 82                    D+           67 - 69
A-            90 - 92,                                    C+           77 – 79                    D             63 - 66
B+           87 - 89,                                    C             73 – 76                    D-            60 - 62
B             83 – 86                                    C-            70-72,                      F              59 & Below
Absent/ Lake Work: If a student is absent it is the responsibility to find out what they missed the day they return.  Make-up work and Late Work needs to be turned in within two to five days of return.   Late work will affect your citizenship.

BEAR Time: Students will be required to come to intervention when they have missed due dates or tests to catch up.  The primary day
              for Non-Core is Friday and second Tuesday.
Teacher contact Information:  My email is, you may contact me at BRMS (435)-257-2540. I am also available before and after school.  Your student’s grades can be checked through the schools web site. You may also find out assignments on my blog.  My address is or find in on the school web under faculty.

Accommodations: Box Elder School District teaching staff will make the changes in curriculum, instruction and/or assessment that are necessary in order to provide access for a student with a disability. Please notify me if your student has any special needs not already outlined through IEP or 504 plans.

Material List: Your student will need the following items in class:
·                     Pencils and eraser (lots a must)
·                     You may want to have your own colored pencils,
·                     references, sketch book, (these last items are not necessary)

Please go to my blog and read through the disclosure as outlined.  Please sign and return.

Student Name ___________________________ Student Signature ___________________________
                             Please print

Parent e-mail_____________________________________ Parent Phone # ____________________

Parent Name ____________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________

                            Please print
Students will be starting the Step by Step, learn the importance of Elements of Art, Scale and Proportions and Upside down person.

Monday, November 23, 2015

May Learning Guide Key

Wednesday War - May Checked Tuesday November 24th. 

Learning Objective:  Students will demonstrate chapter comprehension of the novel Wednesday Wars.  Included are reviews on figurative language and literary elements (RL 8.1-4).

Teaching Objective:  Students will listen to the audio of Wednesday Wars and complete the written learning guide in a variety of ways (individually, as a class, in small groups).  Students will learn the importance of completing the work - to be used on the summative test.

Starter:  Journal Entry
Starter Paragraph:  When Holling wants Mrs. Baker to drive faster she tells him, "I tend not to want to see how far I can break the law before I'm caught."  Do people who break the law generally do so believing they won't get caught?  Explain in a paragraph and remember correct punctuation

Score: Wednesday Wars May Learning Guide (complete – 20 pts., ¾ complete – 15 pts., ½ complete – 10 pts., ¼ complete – 5 pts., missing or nothing completed – 0).  If a student is not proficient on the upcoming chapter test, this will need to be completed before the student is allowed to re-take the test.

KEY – Wednesday Wars – May

A.  Vocabulary
*incinerated / destroy by burning                                    *synagogue / place of Jewish worship
 *renovate / restore                                                             *melancholy / sadness
*combustion / process of burning something               *meandered / wander endlessly
*abolitionist /  one who wants to end slavery                *arsonist / one who intentionally starts fires
*Bar mitzvah / Jewish coming to age celebration      *immigrate / come to live permanently in foreign country

B.  Figurative Language
1.  We stayed under our desks for eighteen minutes, until the wind would have
whisked away the first waves of airborne radioactive particles…personificationwhisked – onomatopoeia
2.  Hollings felt that part of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark’s problem, may have been that he had a name that made him sound like a breakfast special at Sunnyside Morning Restaurant.   simile, allusion
3.  I figured if I tried to pass them, they would probably leave my bloody body on the side of the road.
4.  “You will be going to Columbia University when lima beans fly.”  idiom
5.  He watched over it like his Reputation.  simile
6.  Mrs. Baker explained to Mrs. Sidman why our classroom smelled like a brewery.  simile
7.  On a bright blue day when there wasn’t an atomic bomb on any horizon, when the high clouds were painted onto blue canvas…   metaphor – sky is blue canvas
8.  …when tulips were standing at attention… personification
9.  “We can’t do that either,” she said, and her voice was as sad and lost as lonliness.  simile
10.  The rush, the roar, the squeak, the whoosh- they all stopped.  Really.  Like Lenoid Brezhnev had sent over an atomic bomb and wiped it all out.  alliteration - rush, roaronomatopoeia – whoosh, simile – sounds stopped like Lenoid Brezhnev had sent over an atomic bomb, allusion – Lenoid Brezhnev
11.  Around us every shade of green you could ever hope to imagine, broken up here and there with a flowering tree blushing to a light pink.  Personification

C.  Literary Element – Setting - In complete sentences, write something Holling learned about each architectural setting (location), Mrs. Baker and Holling visit (pgs. 221-223).  Answers Vary – must be in complete sentences.

*Quaker Meeting House:  built 1676, built when people were alive when Shakespeare was alive, had been a station on the Under-ground Railroad where escaped slaves hid.

*First Long Island Jail:  2 cells - one for men one for women, first male occupant stole horse, first female refused to pay tax to a church she was not a member

*Hick’s Park:  where settlers grazed cows and sheep

Saint Paul’s Episcopal School: housed British soldiers American Revolution,

*Temple Emmnauel:  had four temples built on site, first burned by lightening, second burned by British soldiers, third from arson, ark holding Torah was never damaged

*first abolitionist school:  where Negro children were taught

*Saint Adelbert’s Chatholic Chuch: built a century ago with pennies of Italian immigrants
D.  Literary Element – Plot – write the ultimate result of the conflict, for each piece of rising action listed                                                                                                                                  
*Mrs. Baker receives telegram – husband has been found
                                                                                *Holling and sister spend the day together – find each other
                                                                *sister calls – Holling sends money and goes to meet her
                                                *Mrs. Baker not a fan of drills – breaks cider to go on field trip
                                *Danny nervous over bar mitzvah – friends help him practice               
                *Holling’s sister and father fight over her attending Columbia University – sister runs away
*Mr. Hoodhood learns Kowalski and Associates will renovate Yankee Stadium – Mr. Hoodhood buys a Mustang 

E.  Understanding What You Have Read

1.  What does every May bring to Camillo Jr. High for the school to do (p. 208)?  bomb drills
2.  Why is Camillo Junior High a likely target for an attack (p. 208)?  Very close to New York City
3.  List three discomforts Holling expresses during the eighteen minute bomb drill (p. 209)? bent spine, leg spasm, wanting to throw up from gum under desks
4.  What new job does Kowalski and Associates have (p. 211)?  When is the previous chapter was there foreshadowing (hint or clue) of this (also p. 224)?   What effect does this have on the family moving (p. 215)?  Renovation of Yankee Stadium - Mrs. Baker talked with the players at Yankee Staidum about it -  Kowalski’s will not be moving
5.  What is the cause of Holling’s sister throwing lima beans at her father (p. 212)?  Heather’s father tells her she can go to college at Columbia “when lima beans fly.”
6.  Cite evidence that Holling likes the new car his father purchased (p. 212, 213,)?  “It was, all in all, the most beautiful, perfect car that God has ever allowed to be made on earth.”  “I dreamed of driving that car.”
7.  Summarize what effect Heather’s note initially has on her family (pgs. 213-214).  Father swore he wouldn’t help her if she called, father went driving in car alone, Holling does dishes alone, house grew quiet and still.  Father stopped watering azalea bushes, no music from upstairs, no lima beans for dinner, nobody talked about anything.
 8.  Holling finds The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark boring reading.  Write dialogue that expresses Holling’s solution to reading boring stuff with what Meryl Lee and Mrs. Baker think about his solution.  Be sure and use rules for writing dialogue.  Answers will vary.  Should reflect that Holling skipped a lot of the reading and Meryl Lee and Mrs. Baker told him that wasn’t ok.



9.  Danny is nervous about making a mistake in front of all his relatives at his bar mitzvah.  His friends try to help him during lunch recess, but at the end of every recess, where does Danny still want to run away to (p. 218)?  California

10.  Holling asks Mrs. Baker if she would mind not calling him Mr. Hoohhood.  He says it sounds like she is talking to his father.   Mrs. Baker says, “But you have similarities.”  What evidence is there that Mrs. Baker thinks Holling, like his father, would be a good architect (p. 219)?   What thoughts and feelings does this provoke (p. 220)?  Mrs. Baker saw the architectural drawings Holling had given to Meryl Lee.  She tells Holling they were wonderful and he has “the soul of an architect.”  Holling says he wants to decide for himself, meaning he doesn’t want to be forced into the family business. 

11.  During the Wednesday afternoon bomb drill, how does Mrs. Baker get permission for herself and Holling to go on a field trip (p. 220)?  (Intentionally) knocks Mrs. Kabaloff’s pilgrim cider of the shelf, which makes the room smell like a brewery. 

12.  What is Mrs. Baker’s response when Holling asks her if she was the one who talked with the boss about Kowalski and Associates renovating Yankee Stadium (p. 224)?  It is not something he needs to know.
13.  Mrs. Baker thinks the bomb drills are pointless because if an attack happened it really wouldn’t matter.  Why then does she tell Holling they have the drills (p. 225)?  What advice does she give Holling about learning (p225)
Mrs. Baker tell Holling that we have drills because it gives people comfort to think they are prepared, then nothing bad can really happen.  She also tells Holling to learn everything he can, then use all he has learned to grow up to be a wise and good man. 

14.  Holling realizes how much he loves and misses his sister when he gets home to an empty house and realizes the “biggest part of the empty in the house” is her not being there (p. 226).  How does Holling come up with the money for his sister a ticket home (p. 228)?  When he finds out there are two Western Union stations closest to the Minneapolis bus station, how does he decide which one to send the money to (p. 229)?  Holling cashes in his Salisbury Park savings bond.  He sends the money to Heather Avenue because Heather is his sister’s name.

15.  Cite evidence showing ways the conflict in the Hoodhood home escalates when Holling is trying to get his sister home (pgs. 230-231).  How is Holling able to meet his sister (p. 232)?   Holling’s dad refuses to go get Heather.  He says she created the problem herself.  Holling stands up to his father for the first time.  He tells his father his sister needs help.  Mr. Hoodhood tells Holling to go get her himself.  Holling gets the keys to the Mustang.  His mother tells him he doesn’t know how to drive.  Holling asks her to go with him.  She says she can’t do that.  Holling ends up riding with Meryl’s father, who is going to Yankee Stadium.  Holling’s mother gives him money for train tickets and lunch. 

16.  What is Holling’s response when Mr. Hoodhood asks Heather if she found herself (p. 234)?  What deeper meaning is there for those words?   Holling says, “She found me.”  Deeper meaning relates back to page 226 when Holling comes home to the empty house – “Maybe the first time that you now you really care about something is when you think about it not being there.”  Heather has learned what her brother is willing to do for her.   

17.  What are Holling’s final thought on Hamlet and what it means to be human (p. 234)?  “He didn’t need to find himself – he just needed to let himself be found.”

18.  What is Holling referring to when he says “Shakespeare couldn’t write any better than that (p. 236)?  Mrs. Baker receives a telegram from her husband.  The telegram to Mrs. Baker from Mr. Baker saying he is ok and coming home…“Sweet eyes – out of jungle – ok – home in time for strawberries – love Ty.