Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 27-31

Art 1
     Students will critique their printmaking Monday.  They will then turn in the two templates and a print from each.  They should have turned in the roughs before starting the printing process.
     Students will also be working on a new assignment that is the Engraving.  Students are to color the center section in crayon this needs to be solid they will then ink the crayon.  This will the start of the engraving.  This is another style of printmaking.
     Students also have their mask which we sprayed a couple of weeks ago.  Students brought these back into the class room.  They should have designed their roughs of just what they would like to do on this project and they will be starting this process in a few days.
     Remember students should be working on FINAL MYTHICAL CREATURES. The instructions are found in the April posting of this year.  If they need supplies this is the week to get them.

Foundation 2
     Students should have turned in their second note test on Monday.  They were given a week for this test and could use their notes.
     Monday we introduced color.  This is the final stage for their final project.  Colors and values will play the largest part in the final project and this was given Monday.  They were also given two project that will better their understanding of how to mix and work with the color pencils.
    Students should have turned in the 1point perspectives.  Many have also turned in the 2 point buildings.  The two point house should have taken a bit longer because of all that needs to be part of the project.
     Remember students should be working on COLOR PENCIL FINALS. The instructions are posted. These are due NOVEMBER 19TH.

Language Art
     Students were given a summation of the RL 8.1-4 those who did not pass have been call in for bear time this week.  This should not have been a difficult test because it simply covers information that has been covered before and even tested before.  Students were given days of review for this test.      Students are now working on the second half of the figurative language.  We are giving examples as well as practicing.   Friday will be the test day for this section of RL8.4B.
     Tuesday we will be in the lab for continued writing practice.
     Wednesday we will continue with Earnest Green and the Figurative language.
     Thursday will be much of the same but Earnest Green should have finished and turned in.
     Friday students will be given a vocabulary test and will be given the summative test for RL8.4B of figurative language.
     Each day we are in class we will have starters this focuses on writing and some will be focused on the review.  

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Final Color Project

Final Project: Color

There are things you will need to consider when looking for a final project. Look in magazines, books, calendars, novelty magazines, etc.  The list can go on you need only look. It must be in color.
  1. You will need to think of the subject matter:
*no cartoons/ or coloring book style
            *no logos/ numbers/ letters/ silhouettes, etc. no exceptions.
            *it must be realistic, not fantasy
            *nature, landscape, inanimate, portrait, etc. are a few examples.

2.      You will need to think of the Composition. It must be a good composition, filling 3/4‘s of the paper. Must be 3/d the whole picture needs to be looked at, the positive / negative, balance and more will need to be considered.  No outlines should be left within only values. 
3.      Values; these are the most important part of your final. You will be using colored pencils, because of this you will need to consider your values in a different way. Changing the intensity of the colors going from a deeper color to lighter in the same pencil, or each section outlined, these are not values. Values in color are used a white, black, and even a gray pencil. Another way would be using the direct complement and even the opposite of what you are using for example if using a red using green as the complement or the cool colors as the values.  It is not always better to use black or gray for a darker value.

4.      Proportions, Texture, Craftsmanship will also be considered. You need to remember how an overall effect will look. This makes a difference to how I think you feel about the final. If it looks sloppy, ripped, folded, wrinkled, not finished or even looks like a rushed job, you could care less about your grade.

5.      You will be using large thick paper, and may have a 1” border. If you are going to use your own colored pencils, look for a large enough set (more than 12). If you are planning to purchase your set and are looking at a really good set consider the prismacolor brand.  These are more expensive but they are the better quality for your money.  (We sell then here at the school, or you may spend more at other stores).

6.      Parents I would like you to keep track of how much time your student spends on their assignment and the amount of effort they put into it.  I would also like you to give your student a rating between 1-25 with 1 being no effort or time spent and 25 being many hours and a high effort spent.  (what would you give them for a grade) Thanks for your help.  Ms. Ewell

Due: ________________________________

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13-15

Art 1
     Introduction of Final project.  This is a mythical creature.  The information is found in the hand out.  Parents you will need to do a parent critiquing on your students project.  This one is not a project that will do well if started the night before it is due.  The due date is November 19th this is the day before the trimester ends.  No cardboard should be showing when it is complete. If students need any supplies there are many stores, I also have some. I will not give out any the week before the due date they may come in before that time.
     Students are working on printmaking they will learn one of the many ways of printing.
     Students will be working on their mask sometime (I think) when we return from fall break.
     Projects that are missing need to be in by Wednesday or they become a dead project and will no longer receive points.

Art 2
     Introduction of Final project.  This is a color pencil project.  I will be introducing prisma color pencils these are expensive pencil a 1.00 per pencil but not a mandatory to use I have had students be successful with the cheaper pencils.   Those students planning to continue at the high school are recommend.  Parents you will need to critique your students work.  Due date is November 10th this is the day before the trimester ends.  Values dealing with color is very important.  Please take the time to work on this.
     Students are also in the process of doing perspectives one and two point.  They will be completing these next week.
     Those students that are behind in assignments need to get them in no later than Wednesday they become a dead project. and will no longer be worth any points.

Language Arts
     Today we are taking the Figurative Language Vocabulary test and the Summation of the words. Both will be entered this day.
     We are trying to finish the Warrior's book and will be working to complete it this week.
     We will also be finishing up the handout that has gone along with this book.  Turning them in as soon as possible, so we will be able to finish the Earnest Green story.

I will be putting items in that students need to have for those who have been absent.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 6-10

Art 1
     Students are finishing up the Rhythm and Motion.  We will critique on Friday.
     On Tuesday we started the Mask.  This is a project that will have many days.  It is a filler project because of the time it takes for each stage.  The first is to mold the celluclay to the plastic mold.  This then will take any where from a week to three weeks to cure. In the meanwhile students will be drawing their roughs, these roughs will help establish the creative side of what they wish to paint onto the mask.  We then will spay a base color over the top to sill the base. This will take a few days to air out.  Students will take their mask and draw the chosen rough onto the mask.  It is a lot easier to draw on paper than on a three dimensional surface.  If the student chooses to add additional items such as glitter, bling, feathers etc. they may do so but they are to bring the items themselves.
     Thursday I will be introducing printmaking.  This project teaches the printing process in a simplified form.  Students will have rough,  each needing to be different: plant, inanimate, scenery,  and an animal,  keeping items simplified for better results.  They will be doing two different styles but the printing process will be the same.
     Monday I will be introducing FINAL PROJECT.

Foundation 2
     Students should be finishing up with Space, and Balance.  Each have specific processes that need to be done correctly in order for the assignment to be right.  Space is focusing on positive and negative.  Balance is focusing on symmetrical.  Both have contrast and are completed in pen or marker.  Examples where shown and students were taking through the steps for better understanding.       Perspective will be introduced on Thursday.  This will then complete the second set of notes for the coming up of the second note test.  When working with perspective we focus on one and two point.  We start out simple with the one point buildings then move to a one point house.  Two point buildings follow with two point house and a two point barn.  The summation will be the houses and barn.
     Monday I will be introducing FINAL PROJECT.

Language Art
     Monday students will be working on Figurative Language.  This is broken up into a three sections.  RL8.4 is the "Context Clues, Chunking and Word Meanings",  We will have the summation on this section on Friday.  Students have been given practice sentences and practice paragraphs to help them prepare for the test.  Examples are following. Next we also started with RL8.4a this is the figurative language words.  This will be broken into two sections the first 5 words are Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Onomatopoeia and Hyperbole.  Students were give definitions for them to write as vocabulary words and then are given little quizzes each day for students to better their understanding of these words.  Examples are following.  (there were a total of 10)
     We will continue with this type of practice for the week and next for figurative language for context clues we will complete and take the summation on Friday.

Using context clues to figure out a words meaning is like being a detective.  The reader comes across a mystery- an unknown word- and has to use clues to solve it.  Look for clues, hints, around a word you don't know. us the clues to guess a meaning for the word. 
     I was the day of the big ______ and I had never seen it show so much! Everything was ____, so I had to wait until tomorrow to play my big basketball game.  It was the _____, and the winner of this game would hold the first place title in the whole county.  The day looked dark and  _____. I was so sad that I started to feel _____ my friends weren't _____ at my house because their parents wouldn't let them come over.  It started snowing harder.  I hoped we would _____ the other team tomorrow and win the basketball game! 
blizzard, defeat, depressed, championship, postponed, arriving, dreary

Figurative language read the lines of poetry, and figure out which technique is being used: simile, metaphor, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, or personification.
1. Like burnt-out torches by a sick man's bed
2. There's a faucet in the basement that had dripped one drop all year since he fixed it, we can't find it without wearing scuba gear.
3. When stars threw down their spears and water'd heaven with their tears,
4. The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas, the road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor
5. My teeth were chattering as we waited in the freezing cold for the bus to arrive.