Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 17 Language Arts Predict and Illustrate

Friday, April 17

Starter:  Think about an eyewitness news account that has been in the news.  Write a paragraph (8-9 sentences), or use a Venn diagram to show a contrast and comparison to an event that has happened in the novel.

Score Starters:  3/23-4/3  (5 pts. each – total:  /45)
                *outrageous thing you or someone you know has done
                *Being an ethical person
                *good voice/bad voice
                *connecting to the story
    *Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Tom and Huck
                *role of alcohol and drunkenness in the story/theme
                *talked into doing something
                *”It’s “only” Huck Finn…
                *eye witness account

Summative:  Chapters 29-32

Assignment:  Predict and Illustrate Handout – Injun Joe, Where Did You Go?  

Predict and Illustrate - Injun Joe, Where Did You Go? (follows end of Ch. 32 – pg. 197)

Objective:  Students will use contextual evidence and clues throughout the story to make a prediction  on what will become of Injun Joe (RL 8.1 ), demonstrating how dialogue or incidents propel action and provoke a decision (RL 8.3). 

Directions:  Consider everything you have learned about Injun Joe – how his behaviors have impacted the other characters in the novel.  Follow the information provided.    

Situation:  Injun Joe is hiding out in the cave in which Tom and Becky were trapped.

Dialogue of Mr. Thatcher to Tom:  “To prevent anyone else getting lost in the cave, I had the place sealed up and triple locked two weeks ago.”

PREDICT what you think has happened to Injun Joe:  Include WHAT your prediction is based on. (2-3 sentences)
I think that Injun Joe ________________________________________________________________________________

because  _________________________________________________________________________________
ILLUSTRATE your prediction in the space below.  Color your illustration.

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