Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 15 Mid Terms due chp 30 and 31 summary

8th grade art
Midterms are due today.  Parents they will be in the library for display on parent teacher conference you may go in and see the talent your students have.

Foundation Art
Midterms are due today.  Parents projects will be showing in the library for you to come and see on parent teacher conference.  Please take the time to come and see the talent of the students in our school.

Wednesday, 4/15

Starter:  When Tom wants to stop by the Widow Douglas’ home, Becky says, “But what will mamma say?”  Huck says, “How’ll she ever know?”  Tom goes on to say, “All she wants is that you’ll be safe; and I bet you she’d ‘a’ said go there if she’d ‘a’ thought of it. I know she would.”  Write a paragraph (8-9 sentences), about a time you, or someone you know, was talked into doing something without permission, – OR – you were the one talking the other person into it.  Include the persuasive reasoning that was used. 

Audio:  Chapter 30 and 31 – with notes 

Chapter 30 Summary
  • Huck goes back to the Welshman's house.  He is welcomed and invited to breakfast.
  • Huck wants to know what happened the night before after he left. 
  • The Welshman tells Huck that he and his boys got within fifteen feet of the men. The  Welshman sneezed and a gunfight broke out.  The criminals fired a couple of shots and ran into the woods.
  • The Welshman tells Huck the search is still going on.
  • He asks Huck what the two guys looked like, then he sends his sons to tell the sheriff.  Huck begs them not to reveal his identity.
  • The Welshman asks Huck how he came upon the men. Huck makes up a story about not being able to sleep the night before.  He says he walked by the tavern and saw two guys smoking cigars.  He recognized them as the Spaniard and some other "ragged looking devil."
  • Huck's story falls apart.  He says that he heard the Spaniard talking about hurting the widow.  Eventually he reveals that the Spaniard is Injun Joe.
  • When the Welshman reveals that he and the boys found a package the men had dropped,  Huck yells "OF WHAT?"
  • Huck is relieved to find out the package was only some burglar tools.
  • The Widow Douglas thanks the Welshman.
  • At church, when everyone gets to talking, they realize Becky and Tom are not where they thought they were. 
  • Everybody rushes toward the caves.
  • Huck gets sick and is confined to bed. The Widow Douglas takes care of him.
  • By the afternoon, not much progress has been made. Reports indicate that searchers have discovered the words "BECKY & TOM" written on the cave wall with candle smoke.
  • Huck finds out the room filled with alcohol at the Temperence Tavern has been found; he is relieved to find out there had been no treasure found.  
  • Huck thinks maybe the treasure is gone forever.

Chapter 31 Summary

  • Tom and Becky have been in the cave for the past three days.
  • Tom happened upon a passage behind a waterfall that led deeper into the cave.  
  • They are swarmed by a bunch of bats, but Tom gets them safely into another area. 
  • They find a cavern with a big underground lake.
  • While sitting and talking they realize they haven't heard anybody else in a while.
  • To avoid the bats, they look for another way out of the cave.  Becky hopes they don’t get lost
  • They run around in circles.  Tom starts hollering for someone; Becky gets scared.
  • Becky gets mad when she finds out that Tom didn't make any marks to help them get back to the entrance. She falls to the ground, crying.
  • Tom tries to comfort her. 
  • They set out again but this time they're forced to use only one candle at a time, so they don’t run out.
  • They get tired and sit again. Becky falls asleep.
  • They lose track of what day it is. They wander a bit more, then sit down for a piece of "wedding cake."
  • They're on their last candle, and they realize that nobody will know they’re gone until at least Sunday, because everyone thinks they are sleeping at someone else’s place. 
  • The last candle burns out.  They hear something in the distance and run toward the noise. 
  • Tom attempts to yell for the searchers' attention, but he gets no response.
  • They go back to the spring.  Tom gives Becky a piece of "kite-line" to hold and sets out with the other end in his hand.
  • Tom sees a hand holding a candle. He yells in joy until he realizes it is Injun Joe!
  • The shout scares Injun Joe away, and Tom is able to make it back to Becky.
  • Becky and Tom rest, then Tom sets out again to find a way out.

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