Wednesday, December 9, 2015

December 9th


Learning Objective:  Students will determine Central Idea in a text with supporting evidence.  (RI 8.2)
Teaching Objective:  As a class students will read a text, then discuss the “WIN” strategy to identify central idea and supporting ideas.

Correct Monday’s Starter
pro    av/past    art       n       prep    art            N                 n       prep         N
  I          set         the   table     at       the    andersons   house      on     Saturday

Starter:  Identify sentence parts, (subject and predicate, complete subject and complete predicate), verb, direct object, prepositional phrase, object of preposition.
Starter Sentence:  i set the table at the andersons house on saturday 

Vocabulary/Spelling:  Know the definition and spelling for each of the following.  Summative Test Tuesday those who did not pass will take again on Thursday.
            *cite:  to give reference to, mention in support, proof,
                    example:  Cite details that support your main idea.
            *audience:  who you are writing for
                    example:  When writing Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain decided to communicate his      
                                            ideas to a wider audience.
            *plagiarism:  copying - taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as
                                   one's own.
                    example:  Plagiarism is cheating and illegal.
*argument:  defending a position/point of view based on evidence from personal
                     experience, research, facts, logic.
                    example:  His argument was invalid because it was not supported with facts.

Notes:  After you read a book or see a movie, do you ever tell someone else what it is about?  When you do this, you state the main idea.  The main idea is what something is mostly about.
Main idea = central idea
Main ideas are typically found in a literary passage. 
Central ideas are found in an informational text.
Use the WIN strategy to help determine the central/main idea:
WHO/WHAT - Figure out the most important who or what
INFORMATION - Figure out the most important Information about the who or what

Class Activity:  Volcano Mt. St. Helens text do together on white boards.  We did this other article yesterday and turned in. Sleepy Hollow excerpt to identify central idea and supporting details.  (H drive, “old stuff”, Tri 2, RI 8.2)

Novel:  Finishing the Introduction and correcting.   (See me for a copy of the handout).

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