Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 11-14

January 11-14

Learning Objective:  Students will identify Structural text (compare and contrast, cause and effect, sequential order, narrative plot, problem and solution), analyzing how each contributes to meaning.  (RL 8.5) Students will identify Ch. 4-6 from Tom Sawyer, analyzing the correct response. Audio of Tom Sawyer of chapter 7
Teaching Objective:  Students will individually complete the written summative with a 70% proficiency. Students will individually complete the written quiz with a 70% proficiency. Students will complete the learning guide of Ch. 7 Tom Sawyer while listening to the audio.

Correct Monday’s, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday’s Starter
    N     pro  adj      n         hv    adv       av         ger        cc    pro     av/pres     rp     pro   lv/pres     adj
Dylan my  best friend   does  n’t       like  swimming but     I         think        that      It         s          fun

Starter:  Write out the sentence and identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject and predicates, verb, direct object, appositive, predicate adjective

Journal: 1/12
 In the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom is given hard labor consequences when he gets in trouble.  Write an introductory paragraph with an effective lead, a claim stating why this may or may not work, and three supporting pieces of evidence to support your claim. 

Summative:  Structural Text Summative [yesterday(cause and effect, compare and contrast, narrative plot, sequential, problem and solution)].   
Journal entry 1/14/16
            "Spare the rod spoil the child" is a cliche.  "Spare the rod" means to discipline without spanking.  Write a claim stating if you agree with the cliche or disagree.  Write an introductory paragraph with an effective lead, a claim and three supporting pieces of evidence.

Vocabulary - Context Clues: 
*Words can have more than one meaning.
*Often you can tell the meaning of the word by looking for clues in the words and ideas
  around it.  These are called context clues. 

Punctuation and capitalization (some, but not all of the rules)
*Any time something is written word for word, or spoken in dialogue (conversation), it needs
  quotation marks around it. 
*Periods and commas are always placed inside quotation marks. 
*An exclamation point or a question mark is placed inside quotation marks when it
  punctuates the quotation; it is placed outside when it punctuates the main sentence. 
*A capital letter is used at the beginning of a sentence or quote, for proper nouns and                      titles, and the pronoun “I.”
*commas are used
*when a coordinating conjunction separates two independent clauses
*after introductory words, phrases, clauses
*to set off elements that interrupt or add information

***The power of the comma.  A study was done on comma usage.  Students were instructed to insert commas, where applicable, in the sentence “A woman without her man is nothing.”  
Men wrote:  A woman, without her man, is nothing.
Women wrote:  A woman!  Without her, man is nothing. 

*contraction – when an apostrophe (‘) takes the place of a letter. (example:  can’t for cannot)

Figurative Language: 

                *Personification – Giving inanimate objects human characteristics 

Assignment:  Below are six quotes from the novel. 
*Rewrite the quote fixing the punctuation errors.  CIRCLE each error you fix.   
*Write your definition of the italicized word. 
            *Write the context clues that led you to that meaning. 

1.   the tick escaped from tom presently and crossed the equator joe harassed him a while and  then he 
      got away and crossed back again    (10 errors)
Context Clues: 
2.  the boys had been too absorbed to notice the hush that had stolen upon the school awhile before
     when the master came tiptoeing down the room and stood over them he had contemplated a good
     part of the performance before he contributed his bit of variety to it  (6 errors)
     Context Clues:
3.  then she sprang away and ran around and around the desks and benches with tom after her and   
     took refuge in a corner at last with her little white apron to her face  (7 errors)
     Context Clues:
4.  tom got out his chiefest jewel a brass knob from the top of an andiron and passed it around her so
     that she could see it and said please becky  wont you take it  she struck it to the floor   (17 errors)
     Context Clues:
5.  he well knew the futility of trying to contend against witches so he gave up discouraged (5 errors)
     Context Clues:
6.  the doctor murmured inarticulately gave a long gasp or two and was still  the half breed muttered
     that score is settled  then he robbed the body  (13 errors)
     Context Clues:

Journal entry 1/14
            "Spare the rod spoil the child" is a cliche.  "Spare the rod" means to discipline without spanking.  Write a claim stating if you agree with the cliche or disagree.  Write an introductory paragraph with an effective lead, a claim and three supporting pieces of evidence.

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