Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 3, 2015


Students will be learning about RL8.1 Explicit and Inferred.  Pretest today with definitions and group work.

9/3 (Thursday - Week 1) RL.8.1 explicit and inferred
Read the following information about explicit and inferred evidence.  Make two column notes outlining details you learn about each.
*The word "explicit" means clear and fully expressed.  If something is explicit, there is no question as to what it means, no hidden connotations and no room for misunderstanding.  If a fact is explicit in a reading comprehension passage, it is stated outright.  For example, if the first sentence of a story is "It was a dark and stormy night," that is an explicit fact.  There is no room for debate; the reader cannot be confused and think that the story is set on a sunny morning. 
*If something is inferred or implicit it is not expressly stated, but the reader understands it anyway through other clues in the text.  For example, if a story begins with "The trees were swaying wildly outside Anne's window as she prepared for bed, and the gutters were overflowing," the reader can infer that it is probably dark, stormy and at night even though these facts are not explicitly stated.  Inferred facts in reading comprehension also often involve the motivations of the characters.
Explicit facts are easier to spot that inferred facts.  Explicit facts include the basic who, what, when and where of the story, and often the how and sometimes the why.  Anything that requires drawing a conclusion is inferred evidence.
(write on your own paper)

Second assignment. 
Standard: RL8.1 Explicit and Inferred

Directions: name, title, date, and hour in upper right hand corner.  Read the paragraph and follow the instructions.

Bubba is a new foreign exchange student in our class.  He is from outer space, from the planet Zullonne.  He will need a lot of help in getting around our classroom.  The first thing that will need to be done is he has a brand new pencil and will need this to be sharpened.  Your job is to write down the instructions, a step by step process to help him get from his desk to the pencil sharpener.  Don't leave anything out.  Any instruction may benefit a smooth transition from the desk to the pencil sharpener, and sharpen his pencil, then return back to the desk.  Thank you for your willingness to help out Bubba in this difficult transition of sharpening his pencil.

      You will be reading your instructions.  Make sure they flow just like you would like Bubba to flow. 

Students need to bring their reading books next week!

8th grade Art

Students will be finishing up the organic form assignment and will be introduced to Color Wheel with tints.  The instructions will follow. 

OStudents will draw 4 roughs using pattern, harmony, balance, line, shapes, form
OChoosing the best to enlarge on sm. thick with a ½ inch border
OStudents need to make sure the design is exact with each section being repeated over and over to get the desired results.
OStudents will be doing the color wheel but will be multiplying  and also adding tint to each of the colors.
OStudents will need to have 24 colors going from yellow around and back to yellow-green
O with each of the 24 colors students will also be doing to values of tint (white) give two going from a medium to a really light value of that said color. 
OCraftsmanship and exactness in mixing is a must.
 OThese first few are examples of patterns
O They will also show exactness in design
OIt is easer if your design has the correct amount of section then if you have over the amount
ORemember you will need 24 main area and for each of those 24 area you will also need 2 more smaller area for the tints.
OThat brings the total to 72 sections
OEach color will need 3 areas you will be painting

OThe first is what happens when you try to go over the amount and then get lazy.

Foundation II   

Students will be finishing up step by steps and turning them in.

Students will be introduced to Texture and Creativity.  Students will be doing 5 different textures being aware of detail and start adding light and dark to give the appearance of a three dimensional surface on a two dimensional plane.  in creativity students will be creating an alphabet by using choosing two different ways. the first being they will use the first letter of the object the first letter to create the letter.  e.g. ants and placing them in the shape of the letter A.  the second way is using a common theme and recreating the letters with that common theme.  This must be pre-approved before they will be able to do this one the third way is by combining the two together and creating the alphabet this way this is the hardest.


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