Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Disclosure LA 8th 3rd trimester


Ms. Ewell – 8th Grade English

Course Description:

                This course will be guided by the Utah State Core Curriculum for Language Arts.  The intended learning outcomes include the following:

1.       Demonstrate a positive attitude toward language arts skills and processes.

2.       Demonstrate appreciation for the role of language arts.

3.       Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language.

4.       Use the skills, strategies, and processes of writing.

5.       Use the skills, strategies, and processes of reading.

Major Course Goals:

Students will master the state core expectations for reading, writing, speaking, and viewing. We will be practicing grammar usage and mechanics as well as process of writing (Using the 6 traits of writing as our standard.)  Students are also required to communicate orally (even if you are shy). Students will have a spelling test every Friday beginning the second week.  

Reading/ viewing beyond the textbook:

Lit circles, short stories, (3?)  poetry, book reading in class each day other than days in lab. Students will need to have a reading book every day after bell ringers students will read for 15 min then have a 5 minute writing for a total of 20 minutes.  Students are not to have picture, animae, magazines, it must be a novel with a decent lexile to help challenge you throughout the trimester.  When you finish a book you will simple start another one. We will also be doing the core testing this trimester.

Notes regarding expectations and guidelines for attendance and behavior:

Our class will adhere to all Bear River Middle and Box Elder School district policies.  Students will be considered “on time” if they are seated in an assigned seat with all materials needed for class (pen, pencil, paper, binder, books, assignments, etc.) Students who come to class unprepared will be given a tardy if they need to leave class to retrieve something.  They are to also stay in seat until roll has been taken. 

Dress Code Policy:   As shown in student hand-book.

Grading Scale: As shown in student hand-book.

Make-up work policy:

No make-up is allowed for non-excused absences. Late work will only be accepted two weeks after due date of said assignment. Make-up work must be checked by the student before turning in. Non scored work receives a “0”. It is easier to do it the day it is assigned not later when the information is cold.

Class rules and/ or Expectation: punctuality (be in seat), preparation (have all needed to work), courtesy (treat others the way you want to be treated), performance (put your best foot forward), & self-control (leave others and their work alone at all times)

Teacher contact Information: 

Ms. Ewell can be reach at BRMS (435)257-2540 or via e-mail to Be sure to include student’s name in the subject line of any e-mail.  Grades and scores can be found on the school’s internet site. I am here after school and if given a day prior am willing to stay later.


Box Elder School District teaching staff will make the changes in curriculum, instruction and/or assessment that are necessary in order to provide access for a student with a disability. Please notify Ms. Ewell if your student has special needs not already outlined through IEP or 504 plans.



-----------------------------------------detach and return------------------------------------------

I have read Ms. Ewells’ disclosure statement Language Arts third trimester.



Student Signature ___________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________

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