Mid Term Project (black and white, pencil)
1. Large thick paper may have 1” border
2. Must fill ¾’s of the paper, composition, positive and negative space, values, texture, contrast, dominance.
3. No metal, action figures (sports figures), numbers, letters, words, logos, cartoons, clowns, fantasy, silhouettes, war, etc.
4. School approved, must be realistic. Reference must be check off beforehand. Look in books, magazines, internet (but make sure you printer works), etc.
5. Subjects may be: nature, animal, landscape, and inanimate objects, see examples from classroom, etc.
6. Craftsmanship! No folding, crinkles, smudges, presentation matters.
7. Remember that when you are blocking in basic shapes be checking your proportions as well so you do not need to get to the end and have to restart or erase because of size and area.
8. Texture will be in the foreground if you are doing any kind of animal. Make sure your fur, feathers, smooth or rough are in the direction that shows on your reference, i.e. vertical, horizontal, slant, etc.
9. Values as you add these be sure you are giving me all that apply. Such as high light, light, shadow edge, shadow core, reflected light and even in some instances cast shadow.
¨ *Value is the light and shadow on any given object.
¨ Without light you cannot have shadows.
a. When there is a change in surface there is a change in values.
b. Reflected light is darker than the shadow but lighter than the shadow core
10. Things to consider for this project: take time to think about what will work the best and don’t wait till the last moment to pull it together. This project you can tell if a person rushes or does not spend much time on it. Best results are those who have taken the time for all aspects.
11. Parents I would like you to keep track of how much time your student spends on their assignment and the amount of effort they put into it. I would also like you to give your student a rating between 1-25 with 1 being no effort or time spent and 25 being many hours and a high effort spent. (what would you give them for a grade) Thanks for your help. Ms. Ewell (see the attached paper for signing.
Mid-Term Due: ______________________ no late work will be allowed after due date for full credit. Each day late 10 points will be docked. Questions need to be asked before due date not the day of.
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