Monday, January 4, 2016

January 4th

8th Grade Art
     *Intro to Stain Glass

Stained Glass Assignment/ Criteria
Objective: Students will learn a process of mosaic my using construction paper and tissue paper
*Using thin paper divided into 4, draw roughs, these may be a design/ pattern, nature, and or a landscape. It must utilize the space on the paper same as it should look for a final on the construction paper.
*When choosing the best remember you are thinking stain glass, not how large can I make my sections or how quickly can I get this assignment done. Every area must be no larger than 2” by 2” that includes any item that is the same such as sky, land, water, or just designs.
*Enlarge best on black construction paper, draw a ½ inch border, the border must be showing in the composition at the end not just to start, (important).
*When drawing your choice you need to intertwine everything together, including the border.  Too much black showing becomes boring, not enough black makes design too weak. There should not be any area of black larger than the border, all sections need to be ¼” unless some sections need just a hair larger for interlocking.
*You are trying to recreate a stain glass not just a project. All rules for a stain glass must apply to your finished product. The border is the frame, the tissue is the glass, and the black is the lead, keeping all the pieces together.
*Using an x-acto knife, and lap board cut out sections leaving thicknesses of black. 
*Using tissue paper, glue and scissors to cut the tissue, trace your sections of tissue to the appropriate size for the section, do not extent outside the shape, cut tissue and glue to the back of the construction paper. You should be gluing to the pencil side so on the completed project there should be no pencil showing.   Section by section will need to be addressed with each tissue paper color.
*Be creative to show values, level change, and section change. Taking large sections of tissue and pasting it to the back is not stained glass. This is just being lazy.
*See examples, for ideas and best results.
*This assignment shows elements of art: line (curved, diagonal, horizontal, and vertical), shapes (geometric and organic), space (positive and negative) and color (any and all from the tissues found in box). Principles of design: balance (asymmetrical or symmetrical), and could even show rhythm (pattern).

Foundation Art

* Intro to Measured Portraits then Grid Value Portrait

*Students will draw a step by step portrait being taught the importance of each step and shapes when they are complete they will be turning in a basic drawing of a measured portrait with lines and detail contained with in the whole of the composition. Due Tuesday

Students will be introduced to a Grid Value Portrait they will work on thick paper then will add a grid and draw in the proportions and basic shapes adding detail as they go along with values to complete the portrait.  The most important part of the portrait  in this project will be proportions and values. remember the basic steps in drawing a composition and the project will go fine.  

Monday, Jan. 4  Language Arts
Learning Objective:  Students will cite textual evidence (RL 8.1), to compare and contrast the structure of text (RL 8.5), analyze the extent to which a filmed production compares to written text (RL 8.7), and analyze the effects differences in point of view have on the audience/reader (RL 8.6).  Students will be introduced to argumentative (W8.1), and informative writing. (W 8.2).
Teaching Objective:  Students will read the text “Staying Alive,” and complete the handout.”

Starter:  Write out the sentence and identify parts of speech including noun, pronoun, preposition, article, verb (type and case), adjective, and conjunction.
Starter Sentence:  both of the classes are noisy but mrs jacksons class is noisier

Vocabulary:  Write the word and the definition.  Know the spelling and definition for summative on Friday.
            *contrast:  to examine and appraise characteristics or qualities in order to discover
            *counterclaim:  a claim made to rebut a previous claim
            *denotation:  The dictionary meaning of a word
            *theme:  what the author wants the reader to get out of the writing – bigger than the text
            *summary:  brief retelling of what the text is about

Review:  structural text:  narrative plot, sequential order, cause and effect, compare and contrast, problems and solution – upcoming summative.

Close Read:  Staying Alive with handout

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