Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 11-15 Foundation Art


Learning Objective:  Students will understand the different balances.  They will be able to differentiate between each balance and how to best draw and describe them.

Teaching Objective: Students after learning the difference between the three types of balance they will be taken through a step by step process to begin a balance project.  Students will begin with roughs then from those roughs will be able to complete a finished project.

Definition of the three types of balances given in art:  A visual well-being or feeling of stability, or an equal distribution of visual weight, whether 2-D or 3-D
1 - Symmetric (formal) one can draw a line in the center whether vertical or horizontal to show duplicate design (mirror image)
2 - Asymmetric (informal) design does not repeat itself on the other side. (landscape)
3 - Radial all design seems to radiate out from one spot. (spiral)
1 Students will need a thin paper, ruler and a pencil with an eraser (this will be a symmetrical balance composition)
2 Students are to then draw a square which is 3” X 3” on the paper, for best results they should not draw it on the actual edge of the paper but should measure accurately.
3 Students will then measure on all four sides of the square ¼”.  Student should end up with 11 marks on each side
4 Starting at the top of a square the corner (top – left – corner) with the ruler angle it down to the first mark at the bottom left hand corner - draw a line.  The process goes as follows your ruler will continue working its way down from mark to mark while the ruler also moves across the bottom to the right from mark to mark. When you finish one corner it will look like a web with straight lines but at the same time giving the illusion of curved lines on the inside.
5 Students will continue this process with the other three corners, students need to make sure they are using a ruler and not free handing the lines.  Students need to make sure they are also going from mark to mark and not close to them.  Exactness is key to this process looking good.

6 When students have finished with the first rough the class discusses the different types of shapes they will be able to come up with to get a variety of roughs as well as what will give them the best scores for the final. 

7 Students will need to complete a total of 6 roughs, then choose the best from those roughs and enlarge onto small thick paper.  Remember to utilize the paper and make the shape as big to fill the paper best to showcase their best work. 

8. When students are ready to enlarge they will need to draw with a pencil but as they continue onto the line and process section they will need to change and go to black pen for best results.  This will be an example of contrast as well as the symmetrical balance.  

Area surrounding objects and objects themselves i.e. positive and negative space
Directions: practice with own name making sure it has 5 or more letters within the name.  You need to have two horizontal lines and then write your name upper and lower case.  Directions given in class
      10 rough drafts, each rough a different word with 5 or more letters
      Each word must have at least one negative letter but may have more if it works for the word
      May not take the first or last letter, may not take two letters next to each other
      Roughs must be check off by teacher before continuing with final
      Final enlarged on sm. thick, sketch with pencil finish in black marker, black pencil, pencil, pen (all you bring)
      Must utilize the paper well, going from side to side and as tall as the word will allow without looking bad
      Must contain the following:  contrast (black and white), consistent in size (height and width), upper or lower case (no going back and forth), craftsmanship (no smudging or ghost lines), creativity (come up with words that others may not use), stylized letters (if you use slant lines, bubble style, curve part of the letter do so in all), crispness in all letters for overall effect.
(positive-blue)       (negative-green)

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