Language Arts
Ms. Ewell
Course description: Students will learn different strategies to help them
become proficient in Language Arts. The
content which will be covered includes reading and comprehension skills;
narrative, argumentative, and informative writing; grammar
Classroom expectation:
Punctuality - be on time
Preparation – have all needed for class
Courtesy – positive interaction, respectful
Performance -- be a self –starter getting work done.
Honesty –complete own work, proud of who you are
Attendance and tardies:
It is important that you
student is in class so they can be a part of class discussions and group
work. Students who are in their seats
with all the necessary materials needed for the class, when the bell begins to
ring will be considered “On Time”.
Grading Scale: Scores are weighted as:
test, 75%; assignments and formative assessments 25%.
A 100% – 93 % C+ 79% --77% D- 62%
– 60%
A- 92% – 90 % C 76% – 73 % F 59%
and below
B+ 89% – 87 % C- 70% -- 72% Weights
of Classwork
B 86% -- 83% D+ 69% -- 67% Assessments 75%
B- 82% -- 80% D 66% -- 63% Practice 25%
Absent/Late Work: If a student is absent it is the responsibility to find out what they
missed the day they return. Make-up work
and Late Work needs to be turned in before the next unit test. Late work will affect your citizenship.
Bear Time:
Students will be required to come to intervention when they have missed tests,
and to catch up on missing work. The
primary day for Language Art is Thursdays and second Mondays.
Teacher contact information: My email is, you may
contact me at BRMS (435) 257-2540. I am
also available before and after school.
Your student’s grades can be checked through the schools internet
site. You may also find out assignments
on my blog’s address is or find it on the school
Accommodations: Box Elder School District
teaching staff will make the changes in curriculum, instruction and/or
assessment that are necessary in order to provide access for a student with a
disability. Please notify me if your student has any special needs not already
outlined through IEP or 504 plans.
Materials List: Student will be responsible for having the following materials with
them every day;
1 binder with 5
dividers/ or a spiral notebook/ at least 50 sheets of college ruled notebook
1 3-prong folder
pencils with erasers,
black/blue/red pens, dry erase marker, and sticky notes
Reading Book
Please go to my blog and read
through the disclosure as outlined. Please
sign and return.
Student Name ____________________________ Student Signature
Please print
Parent e-mail___________________________________________
Parent Phone # ______________________
Parent Name ______________________________ Parent Signature
Please print
Permission to watch clips pertaining to the 1960’s and the Vietnam
_______yes I give permission
for all intended clips
_______no I do not give permission for all intended clips
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