Welcome to the Kodiak Team here at Bear River Middle School. We are very excited to have you as part of our team. The teachers for the team are:
Mr. Brady
Mrs. C. Udy
Ms. Ewell
Mrs. Hansen
Mr. Joy
There are a few things we do as a team that we wanted each of you to know about.
Each student will start the trimester with 8 citizenship points. Your grade will be based on the following point breakdown:
9-10 points is an H
6-8 points is an S
4-5 points is an N
0-3 points is a U
You will be able to earn points for proper behavior in class, as well as reading after each test or quiz.
You will lose points for improper behavior in class. Minor behaviors are -1 point, while major behaviors are -2 points.
What constitutes a minor vs. a major infraction will be discussed by your teachers.
Absent/Late Work
If a student is absent it is their responsibility to find what was missed the day they return. Make-up and Late Work needs to be turned in before the next unit test to receive credit. Late work will affect your citizenship.
You will receive one hall pass in each class each trimester. This allows you to use the restroom, retrieve forgotten items, or be 1 minute tardy. It can only be used for the designated teacher and only be used 1 time.
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