Monday, November 24, 2014

New Trimester November 24th -25th

Language Art
     Students are starting with Language 8.2 this is recognizing and correcting any improper use of capitalization, punctuation, especially commas, ellipses, and dashes, and even spelling.
We will be doing proofreading marks with sentences and practicing them as the starters, we will also work with actual writing of own papers and have the students proofread each others to fix any mistakes.  We will be doing this work for about one week.

Art 1
     Students started color wheel with tints. This will be touching on the following elements and principles of art.
      Elements are: Line, shape, forms, color, and value
      Principles of Design are: Rhythm, Harmony, and Balance
     Students will be designing a color wheel using 24 sections of color and not just the normal 12.  They will need to set up a pattern and continue this pattern throughout the whole of the assignment.  They will be given specific guidelines that will help them to be successful. They will be using a ruler, for measuring and using craftsmanship for painting.  Additional information will be given upon notice.
     I will be introducing the mid-term project sometime in the next week or two.  The information is found already within the blog.

Foundation 2
     Students for the next few days will be doing a step-by-step projects, these help the students break down an object and simplify it for the start of any project.  This process helps with larger projects to help with starting and finishing.  We will then move onto, scale and proportion, upside down and texture, these help the student with enlarging and simplifying then adding a texture of various items to a composition.  Some projects will only take a short amount of time such as one class period while others will take a couple of days.  If questions need to be asked please do so.

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