Thursday, February 25, 2016

Language Arts/ Art

Friday, February 26

Journal:  none

Learning Objective:
  Students will demonstrate how to write an informational essay W 8.2.
Teaching Objective:  Students will follow the directions on Utah Compose, to write an informative summative essay, with a 70% proficiency.  

Computer Lab:  Follow the directions on Utah Compose, and the printed rubric handout, to write an informational summative essay on the Gettysburg Address and A Monument For Peace articles.  This is day 1 of 3 in the lab.

Reminder all final projects are due March 1st with parent critique.  Last day of the trimester is March 4th all assignments need to be in.  Don't wait till the last minute to start any of the projects. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Language Arts February 16-19

Wednesday and Thrusday, February 17 and 18

Learning Objective:  Students will prepare for the informational summative writing W 8.2.
Teaching Objective:  Students will follow the directions to utilize the exercise tools found on the Utah Compose site to practice for, and write proficiently, an informative essay, with a 70% proficiency.  
First Time User:  000 plus SAGE login # 
First Time Password:  enter the same as User - 000 plus SAGE login #
Then - Change the password to your birthday using this format:      __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __

Find your class – Language Arts 8B period 1, period 2 etc.
Click on Category LESSONS
Click on DEVELOPMENT OF IDEAS and Difficulty Level INTERMEDIATE - make sure you stay in the intermediate section throughout, or your following responses will not be accurate.  

1.  Click on ELABORATION IN ESSAYS - Follow the directions then summarize what you learned about elaborating on your ideas.

2.  Click on DEVELOPING CONCLUSIONS - Follow the directions then summarize what you learned about building a conclusion.  Include what the "so what" question is about.  

3.  Click on REVISING IDEAS WITH FEEDBACK.  Read the information.  Summarize what it means to use feedback to revise your writing?

4.  Click on SENTENCE VARIETY.  Summarize what you learned.
5.  Click on PRACTICE - PROMPT Utah's Wild Horse Program.  Read the texts.  Follow the directions to complete the writing.  If your score is not sufficient, work on revision, resubmit.  

6.  Print your final score.  Staple this paper to it and turn in.  

Sentences: Monday through Friday; Week 21

my friend devin who plays football for the packers can eat a pizza in two minutes but i eat slowly

Journal: Entry #18
Write a paragraph about everything you know about writing a sentence, including capitalization and punctuation, and the use of the pronoun 

Friday:  Listened to audio Tom Sawyer Chapters: 13-14 did not finish 14 writing notes for review and test on Tuesday or Wednesday.